March 8th Blog Post: Zelda Game

World Boundary

Added a world boundary on the map so that the player can’t walk out of it.

layouts = {
            'boundary': import_csv_layout('map//map_FloorBlocks.csv'), << Looking at this
            'grass': import_csv_layout('map//map_Grass.csv'),
            'object': import_csv_layout('map//map_Objects.csv')

This the csv directory of where the floor blocks (the barrier) of the world map. I made a function in another file ( that has all the stuff to make it work.

def import_csv_layout(path):
    terrain_map = []
    with open(path) as level_map:
        layout = reader(level_map, delimiter = ',')
        for row in layout:
        return terrain_map

This code reads the csv file, then in it draws it on the map and places the blocks around the edge of it.

world barrier shown.

world barrier hidden ( I just took off self.visible_sprites).


Added plants and collision on them!!!!

layouts = {
            'boundary': import_csv_layout('map//map_FloorBlocks.csv'),
     This one >>'grass': import_csv_layout('map//map_Grass.csv'),  
            'object': import_csv_layout('map//map_Objects.csv')

same thing as boundary, but has a graphics directory AND a csv (as does object).

graphics = {
            'grass': import_folder('graphics//grass'),
            'objects': import_folder('graphics//object')

made an import_folder() function that kinda does the same thing but loads the images and appends them to a list.

def import_folder(path):
    surface_list = []
    for _,__,img_files in walk(path):
        for image in img_files:
                full_path = path + '/' + image
                image_surf = pygame.image.load(full_path).convert_alpha()

also added them to an if statement so that it puts them in their correct places (kinda.)

if style == 'grass':
                            random_grass_image = choice(graphics['grass'])
                            self.obstacle_sprites],'grass', random_grass_image)


no grass

yes grass (and collisions!!!!)

Currently working on the larger objects right now :))))

Author: Zende_

From PA. EHS 2025. Does computer programming and such. That's really it.

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