(Kinda) Small Weather App project


get_weather() gets the weather info from the OpenWeatherApp Api website.

def get_weather(city):
    '''gets weather info from OpenWeatherMap API'''
    API_key = "***********************"
    url = f"https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q={city}&appid={API_key}"
    res = requests.get(url)
    if res.status_code == 404:
        messagebox.showerror("Error", "City not found")
        return None
    # Parse response JSON to get weather info
    weather = res.json()
    icon_id = weather['weather'][0]['icon']
    temperature = weather['main']['temp'] - 273.15

it also gets the temperature and icon to make it into readable text.

search() allows the user to search for the current weather of a city.


def search():
    '''Searches the current weather of a city'''
    city = city_entry.get()
    result = get_weather(city)
    if result is None:

The rest is the set up for the GUI.

window = ttkbootstrap.Window(themename="morph")
window.title("Weather App")

# Entry widget - enter city name
city_entry = ttkbootstrap.Entry(window, font="Helvetica, 18")

# Button widget - search for weather information
search_button = ttkbootstrap.Button(window, text="Search", 
command=search, bootstyle="warning")

# label widget - show country/city name
location_label = tk.Label(window, font="Helvetica, 25")

# Label widget - show weather icon
icon_label = tk.Label(window)

# Label widget - show the temperature
temperature_label = tk.Label(window, font="Helvetica, 20")

# Label widget - show weather desc.
desc_label = tk.Label(window, font="Helvetica, 20")


That’s really all I did… 1. because I started a little late and 2. it took too long for me to get an account for the API key

Author: Zende_

From PA. EHS 2025. Does computer programming and such. That's really it.

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