More stuff to racing game

added the ability to move the player’s car left/right using the arrow keys.

if event.type == KEYDOWN:
            if event.key == K_LEFT and[0] > left_lane:
                player.rect.x -= 100
            elif event.key == K_RIGHT and[0] < right_lane:
                player.rect.x += 100


left lane

and right lane (also added other cars. i’ll get to that later)

Made the crash image pop up determining where the player crashed into the npc car

# check if there's a side swipe collision after changing lanes
            for vehicle in vehicle_group:
                if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(player, vehicle):
                    gameover = True
                    # place the player's car next to other vehicle
                    # and determine where to position the crash image
                    if event.key == K_LEFT:
                        player.rect.left = vehicle.rect.right
               = [player.rect.left, ([1] +[1]) / 2]
                    elif event.key == K_RIGHT:
                        player.rect.right = vehicle.rect.left
               = [player.rect.right, ([1] +[1]) / 2]

crashing into the left side of a car

crashing into the right side

and crashing into the car from behind


list for the different car images:

image_filenames = ['pickup_truck.png', 'semi_trailer.png', 'taxi.png', 'van.png']

*FINISH LATER (or when you get home)

Author: Zende_

From PA. EHS 2025. Does computer programming and such. That's really it.

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