9/5/24 Blog post: Jetpack joyride

FULL code (so far)

#Jetpack Joyride in Python

import random
import pygame as py


WIDTH = 1000
HEIGHT = 600

screen = py.display.set_mode([WIDTH, HEIGHT])
surface = py.Surface((WIDTH, HEIGHT), py.SRCALPHA)
py.display.set_caption("Jetpack Joyride Remake")
FPS = 60
timer = py.time.Clock()
font = py.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 32)
BG_COLOR = (128, 128, 128)
lines = [0, WIDTH//4, 2* WIDTH//4, 3* WIDTH//4]
game_speed = 2
pause = False
init_y = HEIGHT - 130
player_y = init_y
booster = False
counter = 0

#Drawing the background screen
def draw_screen(line_list):
    py.draw.rect(surface, (BG_COLOR[0], BG_COLOR[1], BG_COLOR[2], 50), [0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT])
    screen.blit(surface, (0, 0))
    top_rect = py.draw.rect(screen, 'gray', [0, 0, WIDTH, 50])
    bottom_rect = py.draw.rect(screen, 'gray', [0, HEIGHT - 50, WIDTH, 50])

    #making the infinite lines on the screen
    for i in range(len(line_list)):
        py.draw.line(screen, 'black', (line_list[i], 0), (line_list[i], 50), 3)
        py.draw.line(screen, 'black', (line_list[i], HEIGHT - 50), (line_list[i], HEIGHT), 3)
        if not pause:
            line_list[i] -= game_speed
        if line_list[i] < 0:
            line_list[i] = WIDTH
    return line_list, top_rect, bottom_rect

#Dawing the player and animated states
def draw_player():
    player_hitbox = py.rect.Rect((120, player_y + 10), (25, 60)) # Player' hitbox
    if player_y < init_y or pause:
        if booster:
            py.draw.ellipse(screen, 'red', [100, player_y + 50, 20, 30])# overall body of the flame
            py.draw.ellipse(screen, 'orange', [105, player_y + 50, 10, 30])# detail
            py.draw.ellipse(screen, 'yellow', [110, player_y + 50, 5, 30])# also detail
        py.draw.rect(screen,'#ffca69', [128, player_y + 60, 10, 20], 0, 3)#ligher leg
        py.draw.rect(screen,'#ffa600', [130, player_y + 60, 10, 20], 0, 3)#darker leg
        #drawing the animated legs
        if counter < 10:
            py.draw.line(screen, '#ffca69', [128, player_y + 60], [140, player_y + 80], 10)#lighter leg
            py.draw.line(screen, '#ffa600', [130, player_y + 60], [120, player_y + 80], 10)#darker leg
        elif 10 <= counter < 20:
            py.draw.rect(screen,'#ffca69', [128, player_y + 60, 10, 20], 0, 3)#ligher leg
            py.draw.rect(screen,'#ffa600', [130, player_y + 60, 10, 20], 0, 3)#darker leg
        elif 20 <= counter < 20:
            py.draw.line(screen, '#ffca69', [128, player_y + 60], [120, player_y + 80], 10)#lighter leg
            py.draw.line(screen, '#ffa600', [130, player_y + 60], [140, player_y + 80], 10)#darker leg
            py.draw.rect(screen,'#ffca69', [128, player_y + 60, 10, 20], 0, 3)#ligher leg
            py.draw.rect(screen,'#ffa600', [130, player_y + 60, 10, 20], 0, 3)#darker leg

    # Player's body        
    py.draw.rect(screen, 'white', [100, player_y + 20, 20, 30], 0, 5) # Player's jetpack
    py.draw.ellipse(screen, '#ffa600', [120, player_y + 20, 20, 50]) # Player's main body
    py.draw.circle(screen, '#ffa600', (135, player_y + 15), 10)# Player's head
    py.draw.circle(screen, 'black', (138, player_y + 12), 3)# Player's head
    return player_hitbox

# Main loop
run = True
while run:
    if counter < 40:
        counter += 1
        counter = 0
    lines, top_plat, bottom_plat = draw_screen(lines)
    player = draw_player()

    for event in py.event.get():
        if event.type == py.QUIT:
            run = False


DRAWING THE BACKGROUND SCREEN (and making the lines)!!!

“BG_COLOR” is the gray rectangle at the top and bottom of the screen evenly separated by the lines. They are then made to be transparent where the player and obstacles are going to be placed.

Author: Zende_

From PA. EHS 2025. Does computer programming and such. That's really it.

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