9/15/24 Blog Post


Added a y velocity and gravity for the player and jetpack.

y_vel = 0 

grav = 0.2

made a if statement for the jetpack to work

if not pause:
        if booster:
            y_vel -= grav
            #makes player go up when pressing button
        else: y_vel += grav

        if (colliding[0] and y_vel > 0) or (colliding[1] and y_vel < 0):
            y_vel = 0
        #makes player go down when not pressing button
        player_y += y_vel

if the player presses the key down, the y vel will become negative, causing the player to go up (- gravity). if the player lets go of the key, the y vel will become positive, causing the player to go down (+ gravity).

colliding is a function to check_colliding. colliding[0] is the top of the game’s screen, and colliding[1] is the bottom. when the player goes up. check_colliding will check if the player has reached the top, and will add collision. Same thing will happen to the bottom of the screen.

check_colliding function

def check_colliding():
    coll = [False, False]
    if player.colliderect(bottom_plat):
        coll[0] = True
    elif player.colliderect(top_plat):
        coll[1] = True
    return coll


Author: Zende_

From PA. EHS 2025. Does computer programming and such. That's really it.

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