FULL CODE(so far)
import pygame as py
from pygame import mixer
WIDTH, HEIGHT = 1400, 800
black = (0,0,0)
white = (255,255,255)
grey = (128, 128, 128)
green = (0, 255, 0)
gold = (212, 175, 55)
blue = (0, 255, 255)
screen = py.display.set_mode([WIDTH, HEIGHT])
py.display.set_caption("Beat Maker")
label_font = py.font.Font('Roboto-Bold.ttf', 32)
FPS = 60
timer = py.time.Clock()
beats = 8
instrumnents = 6
boxes = []
clicked = [[-1 for _ in range(beats)] for _ in range(instrumnents)]
bpm = 240
playing = True
active_length = 0
active_beat = 1
beat_changed = True
# ---------Sounds---------#
hi_hat = mixer.Sound('sounds\hi hat.WAV')
snare = mixer.Sound('sounds\snare.WAV')
clap = mixer.Sound('sounds\clap.wav')
kick = mixer.Sound('sounds\kick.WAV')
crash = mixer.Sound('sounds\crash.wav')
tom = mixer.Sound('sounds\\tom.WAV')
py.mixer.set_num_channels(instrumnents * 3)
# ------------------------#
def play_notes():
'''plays the sound of the instrument'''
for i in range(len(clicked)):
if clicked[i][active_beat] == 1:
if i == 0:
if i == 1:
if i == 2:
if i == 3:
if i == 4:
if i == 5:
def draw_grid(clicks, beat):
# Making the boxes for the interface
left_box = py.draw.rect(screen, grey, [0, 0, 200, HEIGHT - 200], 5)
bottom_box = py.draw.rect(screen, grey, [0, HEIGHT - 200, WIDTH, 200], 5)
boxes = []
colors = [grey, white, grey]
# Making the names of all the instruments
hi_hat_text = label_font.render('Hi-hat', True, white)
screen.blit(hi_hat_text, (30, 30))
snare_text = label_font.render('Snare', True, white)
screen.blit(snare_text, (30, 130))
kick_text = label_font.render('Kick', True, white)
screen.blit(kick_text, (30, 230))
crash_text = label_font.render('Crash', True, white)
screen.blit(crash_text, (30, 330))
clap_text = label_font.render('Clap', True, white)
screen.blit(clap_text, (30, 430))
floor_tom_text = label_font.render('Floor Tom', True, white)
screen.blit(floor_tom_text, (30, 530))
# draw some lines between the instrument names
for i in range(instrumnents):
py.draw.line(screen, grey, (0, (i * 100) + 100), (200, (i * 100) + 100), 5)
# check how many boxes there are for each instrument
for i in range(beats):
for j in range(instrumnents):
if clicks[j][i] == -1:
color = grey
color = green
# Making a tri-color effect with rects
rect = py.draw.rect(screen, color,
[i * ((WIDTH - 200) // beats) + 205, (j * 100) + 5, ((WIDTH - 200) // beats) - 10,
((HEIGHT- 200)// instrumnents) - 10], 0, 3)
# Blank/ NOT colorful rect
py.draw.rect(screen, gold,
[i * ((WIDTH - 200) // beats) + 200, (j * 100), ((WIDTH - 200) // beats),
((HEIGHT- 200)// instrumnents)], 5, 5)
py.draw.rect(screen, black,
[i * ((WIDTH - 200) // beats) + 200, (j * 100), ((WIDTH - 200) // beats),
((HEIGHT- 200)// instrumnents)], 2, 5)
boxes.append((rect, (i, j)))
active = py.draw.rect(screen, blue, [beat * ((WIDTH-200)//beats) + 200, 0,
((WIDTH-200)//beats), instrumnents*100], 5, 3)
return boxes
# main loop
run = True
while run:
boxes = draw_grid(clicked, active_beat)
if beat_changed:
beat_changed = False
for event in py.event.get():
if event.type == py.QUIT:
run = False
if event.type == py.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
for i in range(len(boxes)):
if boxes[i][0].collidepoint(event.pos):
coords = boxes[i][1]
clicked[coords[1]][coords[0]] *= -1
beat_length = 3600 // bpm
if playing:
if active_length < beat_length:
active_length += 1
active_length = 0
if active_beat < beats - 1:
active_beat += 1
beat_changed = True
active_beat = 0
beat_changed = True
What it does so far:
Adding later: Different kits, a menu to select the kits, bpm change, and more.
def play_notes does as the name says… it plays the notes.
def draw_grid just makes the interface and puts them on the screen. It shows the names and the initial design of the program.
def draw_grid:
def draw_grid(clicks, beat):
# Making the boxes for the interface
left_box = py.draw.rect(screen, grey, [0, 0, 200, HEIGHT - 200], 5)
bottom_box = py.draw.rect(screen, grey, [0, HEIGHT - 200, WIDTH, 200], 5)
boxes = []
colors = [grey, white, grey]
# Making the names of all the instruments
hi_hat_text = label_font.render('Hi-hat', True, white)
screen.blit(hi_hat_text, (30, 30))
snare_text = label_font.render('Snare', True, white)
screen.blit(snare_text, (30, 130))
kick_text = label_font.render('Kick', True, white)
screen.blit(kick_text, (30, 230))
crash_text = label_font.render('Crash', True, white)
screen.blit(crash_text, (30, 330))
clap_text = label_font.render('Clap', True, white)
screen.blit(clap_text, (30, 430))
floor_tom_text = label_font.render('Floor Tom', True, white)
screen.blit(floor_tom_text, (30, 530))
# draw some lines between the instrument names
for i in range(instrumnents):
py.draw.line(screen, grey, (0, (i * 100) + 100), (200, (i * 100) + 100), 5)
# check how many boxes there are for each instrument
for i in range(beats):
for j in range(instrumnents):
if clicks[j][i] == -1:
color = grey
color = green
# Making a tri-color effect with rects
rect = py.draw.rect(screen, color,
[i * ((WIDTH - 200) // beats) + 205, (j * 100) + 5, ((WIDTH - 200) // beats) - 10,
((HEIGHT- 200)// instrumnents) - 10], 0, 3)
# Blank/ NOT colorful rect
py.draw.rect(screen, gold,
[i * ((WIDTH - 200) // beats) + 200, (j * 100), ((WIDTH - 200) // beats),
((HEIGHT- 200)// instrumnents)], 5, 5)
py.draw.rect(screen, black,
[i * ((WIDTH - 200) // beats) + 200, (j * 100), ((WIDTH - 200) // beats),
((HEIGHT- 200)// instrumnents)], 2, 5)
boxes.append((rect, (i, j)))
active = py.draw.rect(screen, blue, [beat * ((WIDTH-200)//beats) + 200, 0,
((WIDTH-200)//beats), instrumnents*100], 5, 3)
return boxes