RPG game update 4/26/24

Today, I made the code deplete all of the ally players will whenever it uses a will power attack. Only problem is that even though the enemy player also has will and a will power attack, the code doesn’t deplete the enemy’s will whenever it uses its will power attack.

I’ve also rewritten the dead check code. If you, or the enemy is dead, then it’s game, set, match. No unnecessary blows if a man is down.

Unfortunately, I didn’t reach the end of April deadline. Thus, the new due date is set to the end of the school year, meaning June.

Battle Game Update 4/5/24

Before Attack:


I implemented the attack code onto the window. It works as intended except for the fact the hp of the enemy can go into the negatives, which I plan to fix later. As for the block move, It might not exist anymore in favor of something else, like a stat buff. Nothing else to say other than ” Look Ma, this character can live and die now(kinda) “.