Moving with the mouse

Today, I was able to get a circle like object in my project to move with my mouse.

Later on, I will establish a radius on how far it can move from the player. The green circle is the radius the red circle is allowed to travel in. Going out of it won’t be possible. The red square is the player(the center point of the radius).

Overall, good progress(really all I have to say right now).

A start

I started learning how to program physics, and a playable character. It ain’t really much, but the moment I get to code a hand is the moment my game will be truly in the works.

The red block is the player that will later have the ability to jump, but right now, is floating in the air.

The white blocks on the white ground are prone to gravity.

The blue blocks, on the other hand, aren’t. You can tell because they’re floating all around just like the player(except they’re allowed to rotate).

Overall, the basics are done. Now it’s time to start biggering(Lorax joke).