Dragging them boxes

After telling myself ” I’ll work on the hard stuff(mouse radius and fixing collisions) later “, I decided to make a drag script for my objects. Fun fact, it works(kinda).

There’s some iffy moments in the code, but what I plan to focus on the next Free Friday is being able to throw the objects whenever I let go.

I should let you know that this senior project is more of me learning about C Sharp instead of creating an actual game that would normally take less time to make than the time I’m taking right now.

Also, I’ve disabled collisions on the hand so I can test this stuff out.

Fixed it!

Good news: I was able to get the hand to not collide with the player.

Bad news: I didn’t establish the establish the radius between my mouse and player

Weird news: I’ve now offset the hand from my cursor, and the collisions between the hand and blue 0 gravity box is weird.

At least the bug has been squashed. Now we got a couple more(probably more than that) to go.

Moving issues and Collision detection

So I decided to move all my mouse code into the player and… Well, you can see for yourself.

This issue can easily be resolved by having the hand collision not apply to the player, but that would require me to detect the collisions. Now pay attention to 0.09 to 0.11 in the video. If you couldn’t tell, whenever the player collides with the blue box, it prints ” yay ” in the log. Now all I need to do is have it apply to the hand, and instead of printing messages, have it not slingshot my character out of existence.