5-17 Free Friday

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I was scrolling through my YouTube feed and came across a planet simulator tutorial video for Python.

Before starting the project I had to install a few things, being Pygame and PyMunk. I can’t exactly remember what I did on the first day.

import pygame
import math
WIDTH, HEIGHT = 800, 800
WIN = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH,HEIGHT))
pygame.display.set_caption("Planet Simluator")
WHITE = ("#e6e6e6")
YELLOW = (255, 191, 0)
BLUE = (23, 128, 209)
RED = (209, 79, 23)
DARK_GREY = ("#595757")
class Planet:
    AU = 149.6e6 * 1000
    G = 6.67428e-11
    SCALE = 200 / AU #1AU = 100 pixels
    TIMESTEP = 3600*24 #1 day
    def __init__(self, x, y, radius, color, mass):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.radius = radius
        self.color = color
        self.mass = mass
        self.orbit = []
        self.sun = False
        self.dis_to_sun = 0
        self.x_vel = 0
        self.y_vel = 0
    def draw(self, win ):
        x = self.x * self.SCALE + WIDTH / 2
        y = self.y* self.SCALE + HEIGHT / 2
        pygame.draw.circle(win, self.color, (x,y), self.radius)
    def attraction(self, other):
        other_x, other_y =  other.x, other.y
        distance_x = other_x - self.x
        distance_y = other_y - self.y
        distance = math.sqrt(distance_x ** 2 + distance_y ** 2)
        if other.sun:
            self.dis_to_sun = distance
        force = self.G * self.mass * other.mass / distance**2
        theta = math.atan2(distance_y, distance_x)
        force_x = math.cos(theta) * force
        force_y = math.sin(theta) * force
        return force_x, force_y
    def update_position(self, planets):
        total_fx = total_fy = 0
        for planet in planets:
            if self == planet:
            fx, fy = self.attraction(planet)
            total_fx += fx
            total_fy += fy
        self.x_vel += total_fx / self.mass * self.TIMESTEP
        F = m / a
        a = f / m
def main():
    run = True
    clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    sun = Planet(0,0, 30, YELLOW, 1.98892 * 10**30 )
    sun.sun =True
    earth = Planet(-1 * Planet.AU, 0, 16, BLUE, 5.9742 * 10**24)
    mars = Planet(-1.524 * Planet.AU, 0, 12, RED, 6.39 * 10**29)
    mercury = Planet(0.387 * Planet.AU, 0, 8, DARK_GREY, 3.30 * 10**23)
    venus = Planet(0.723 * Planet.AU, 0, 14, WHITE, 4.8685 * 10**24)
    planets = [sun, earth, mars, mercury, venus]
    while run:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                run = False
        for planet in planets:

This is all the code from day one.

On the second day of working on this project, the video covered the psychics of how to make the planets move and the distance of the outer planets for those who wanted to add it later on. I didn’t understand a bit of it.

On the 3rd day I tried working on the project at home but I was having trouble installing Python on my laptop and also pip wasn’t working. so I spent a good amount of time trying to figure out how to make that work.


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