Category: Experimental
a second use uncategorized used for things that are not fully finalized or still being tested.
filler fun with turtle(4-26-24)
some fun picture I made with turtle. I did learn anything but the pattern of squares I made looks very intriguing.
3d modeling interests
I had recently looked into 3D modeling and some of the properties to look out for when 3D modeling. I learn things such as seeing the difference between skeletons, skins, and controls.
Start to learning some linix
To day I spent time with another classmate to help and learn a few things about linix. I plan to go more in-depth into linix but for now this is all I’ve learned: I had a lot of fun learning some of these things and can’t wait to learn how to be more well versed…
filler spiral drawer
I made this spiral from turtle in python to make unique patterns and shapes. I like experimenting with these patterns to try out using direction and math to make interesting patterns with code and mathematics. I didn’t learn anything of high value from this but it’s fun.
“political invasion!” alien invasion rip-off
While making the game alien invasion, I decided it would be funny to test different pictures with the games sprites for fun. So, in this version, I add joe Biden and Donald trump to the game. making this small game and testing out images and other functions in the game has taught me a lot…
website update: 3/22/24
No real update to be had, just added more characters were added to the website an I plan on using something called “display: grid” that will help organize my websites look. I plan of finishing the first page and starting the second one soon. Those are the only plans for now. And as far as…
website update post
I have been slowly adding more to my terraria website when I have the time too. Showcased below is all that I’ve made so far but I do plan on making a lot more. Here’s what I have so far: It’s not much but it’s good enough to me for the time being.
website progress in html and CSS
I was tasked with making a website of my choosing, so I decided to make a website that helps people with some of the aspects of the video game terraria. It’s main goal for what I’m making is showing off how to unlock npc’s and helping with in game class progression. Displayed here is my…
shattered glass illusion experiment
I made a fun little python project that uses turtle to make lines and made a cool illusion with it. Below is a picture of it half way made so you can get any idea of what your looking at: Here is the code of you want it or to mess with if you’d like.
Triangle recursion experiment
I made a program the draws a fractal like design using recursion in triangles to make a cool looking effect. Below is an example of the triangle illusion that I created: This was fun to make and helps me learn more about how to use recursion in my code, though I’m still learning how to…