Hi My name is Mohamad Dabbah I am Erie high student and am learning how to code and here some program
# import EAN13 from barcode module
from barcode import Code128
import Data_base
from Data_base import df
# import ImageWriter to generate an image file
from barcode.writer import ImageWriter
import pandas
# Make sure to pass the number as string
# Now, let's create an object of EAN13 class and
# pass the number with the ImageWriter() as the
# writer
# Our barcode is ready. Let's save it.
for index, row in df.iterrows():
number = (str(row["id"]))
print(str (row['id'])+"@eriesd.org")
my_code = Code128(number, writer=ImageWriter())
This barcode maker and it use csv file to me make new barcodes and need to download barcode and Data_base and more
import win32com.client as win32
import os
from Data_base import *
olApp = win32.Dispatch('Outlook.Application')
olNS = olApp.GetNameSpace('MAPI')
for index, row in df.iterrows():
id = row['id']
recipient = (str (id)+"@eriesd.org")
mailItem = olApp.CreateItem(0)
mailItem.Subject = 'Hello 123'
mailItem.BodyFormat = 1
mailItem.Body = 'Hello There'
mailItem.To = recipient
mailItem.Sensitivity = 2
mailItem.Attachments.Add(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'{id}.png'))
this code use the same csv file and send the barcode to the students and sent outlook mail
this my teacher Mr.Wolmoth He tought me coding and he is great teacher he learn and tech and that make it alot easyer to know what to do because learning with someone who telling you his wat the right way and someone says you can do this but try that if you went that help
The Lounges I have experiment