Michael Matthews

Michael Matthews

Free Friday 9-13-24

Today was Free Friday, and I once again kind of got something done. Firstly, I periodically helped other students. One of them was setting up another Raspberry Pi, and the other was using the other Raspberry Pi to use a…

Free Friday 9-6-24

Today is Free Friday, and I kind of got something done. Firstly since we got new computers this year, we needed to redownload Ubuntu for the virtual machines. So, I had Ubuntu downloading and installing in the background today, while…

Free Friday 5-10-24

After successfully making a Raspberry Pi boot into a Google Slides presentation and automatically start playing, I was tasked with making a button open a webpage on the Pi. This proved much more difficult than anticipated. Firstly, I wired the…

Free Friday 5-3-24

Today I attempted to make a chrome tab open from boot on a li potato running armbain. We were not successful. I learned how to write a systemd file, which runs a script on boot. I also learned the commands…

Free Friday 4/19/24

Today was Free Friday, and I didn’t get much of importance done. Firstly, most of my time was taken up by helping organize all of the hardware we have in the room. The room is being audited soon, so it…