
Category: blogs

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    blender character posing

    so I imported a character with a rig so that I could pose them I started with the hand and then the feet and waist area. after I posed her I changed her texture colors but for some reason it turned purpled so I left it as gray for the picture I will say posing…

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    modeling a character in blender

    so I imported a base model created by blender and I used it to create my character with the sculpting tools they provide idk what most do but I made the character and gave her clothing from a free website this is the video I watched but I recommend watching a few because this is…

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    making mortal combat in pygame

    first I created the background with this code here in this code there’s code for the player character as well the next thing I did was create the players and the movement with this code today I added a jump function and stopped him from going over the edge but at this moment mine doesn’t…

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    creating a scene in unity

    today I created a village scene with free assets from the unity store originally I wanted to create this in unreal with more high end assets I have but this will do for today this scene was created from 2 kinds of asset packs one for the grass and tree textures and one for the…

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    unreal engine character importing with animations

    so to get your character imported you could use Maximo and get animations from there. but you don’t want the skin/skeleton for the animations. left click on all the assets and import it to unreal engine also add 1 main folder called main character then 2 folders for animations and meshes. then add a animation…

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    unity game

    I started with a character walking so I imported a character then I put animations on her after that the code needed didn’t work so I tried a new project starting from scratch I fallowed a tutorial we made a cube and added gravity to it and made it move forward and crash into a…

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    blender scene

    I tried to make a blender scene on the school computers but it didn’t work I couldn’t import any modals and when I did they were missing textures then I tried o make a animation that was vary hard on a 5fps machan

  • variable conversion in JavaScript


    variable conversion in JavaScript

    variable conversation in JavaScript could convert a string into a Boolean or number you could also convert a number into a sting or a string into a number like this. converting strings to number and a number to a string this is how to see Boolean with data conversion this is the basics of variable…

  • blender sun project


    blender sun project

    making the sun in blender isn’t as hard as creating a planet you need to get a texture of the sun and the space then you create a sphere and a smoke domain with a force which represents the atmosphere of the sun you will add this after using this code here. I learned how…

  • blender moon project


    blender moon project

    today I created a moon and ill explain how I did that with pictures and the video I watched witch should help you create the moon first you create a sphere by shit A then click meshes sphere and create a sun as well shift a light sun next you set up the render for…