• Circuit! (Arduino and Circuit Chaos)

    I have successfully hooked up a speaker to an Arduino Uno through an amp to make a louder noise Me and Ace had started to teach Gavin on how circuitry works All three of us had witnessed the magic of the Arduino Uno R3

  • Speakers!

    Me and Ace Carpenter (Ace_Carpenter at A_Carpenter) are working on hooking a speaker to a Raspberry Pi V through an amp…I think we got it wired up correctly…hopefully…


    I FINALLY got back to working on the Roulette table, but I forgot what I had to do, so I made my TO DO list better 1. Need list of places, preferably sorted by color 2. Need player’s selections 3. LET’S GO GAMBLING! 4. SPIN THE WHEEL! 5. MONEY MONEY MONEY!!

  • Combat! (T1)

    Me and Gavin have begun coding our combat system, we currently have coded, and finished, everything for the initial turn for the player, we are yet to use ANY of the variables that come out of it, but it all works…I did have to clean up some of the code so it could be read…

  • Pet Russian!

    I finished the layout for lvl 3

  • Pet Russian!

    Since yesterday, not much was worth noting, but I added a fewmore immobile jumpers for lvl 2 and made an if else for the 3rd lvl to reposition you for the lvl’s concept, being chased by a hunter.

  • Hardware and Thinking Rock (flashy flashy)

    I have now implemented code that will now allow the Morse Code to be visualized through the lights!

  • Hardware and the Thinking Rock! (IT WORKS!!)

    After multiple weeks of work and some assistance, we have The Thinking Rock works and can fully speak in Morse Code!

  • HardWar and the Thinking Rock (No Progress)

    Despite my best efforts (and a mistake after) I have not made the Thinking Rock to translate Morse Code to English (No photos because there’s nothing new to show)

  • Hardware and the Thinking Rock! (it makes sound and light now)

    Using some extra code, I made it easier to known when an input is made through light and after the message is sent, it sounds it out and then resets the variables!